Entry #7: Fresh

Hey everyone, welcome back to another blog of mine today. I wanted to discuss the importance of knowing what you're consuming. Have you ever stopped and looked at the nutrition facts in the back of your food? or wonder about the process it took to create what you are currently eating? If not, watch the documentary “Fresh” and you'll understand the importance.
The documentary Fresh describes the business behind food companies and how they produce meats and crops faster to gain more money from people. Also, farmers can find a way to produce organic and very trusting Foods for the health of others. The purpose of this documentary is to criticize the food industry and how the system needs to change because it's corrupted by chemicals and Pesticides that can harm a person very badly.
 One person I'm inspired by in the documentary is Joel Salatin by follows his Father's Footsteps and produces healthy and organic animals and crops. He also shows how much he truly cares about improving this situation and the possibilities of healthy foods within the industrialized food system. He proves how everyone can produce safer and healthier foods and how farmers don’t need to depend on chemicals.
Another person I was inspired by was Russ Kremer who used to feed his animals antibiotics to grow faster but hated the experience and dangers he was facing and he finally realized he needed to change his ways when he got a disease from one of his pigs. He restarted his whole system and started farming organic crops and healthy animals and expressed that he didn’t have a lot and that the process was a lot slower but it was way better than before.
There are plenty of more people that influence me in the documentary but these are the two major ones for me. This documentary showed me that I should recognize and reflect on the food I consume for my health and benefit. I encourage you guys to watch this movie and analyze how the food you consume could affect your life and body.



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