Entry #9: Topics in Food Quest

 Hello everyone welcome back to Quietly Awkward hope you're having a wonderful day. With that in mind I would like to continue discussing among the topic of food from my 7th blog. If you guys recall, we discussed how people don't seem to realize how bad the food and farming industry is because it contains poor chemicals and antibiotics that can damage and drastically change one's body but we didn't discuss the further consequences that can also occur. Look at the image below and what do you see.

I see a corn that was made with ethanol and is fuming out costs and pollution. I could make an inference that this photo is demonstrating the destructive social and demographic effect happening because of the majority of food industries are using drugs in their crops. More specifically how companies are using harsh chemical to quickly grow bigger crops only to cost a lot of money adding on to the problem of poverty in America but also pollution which is negatively affecting our environment and causing climate change. This shows how companies and farming that are continuing to use these methods, needs to be forced to stop because they are make money while the rest of America is suffering and having to face the consequences. I challeng you guys to only buy oranic food and see if you experience a change by also realize the effect of the companies you're most likely buying all you're food from.


  1. Hello Tatiana, I like your interpretation of this cartoon picture "I see a corn that was made with ethanol and is fuming out costs and pollution", what I see is corn ethanol production having really high costs and produces tons of pollutants but the market is booming as depicted by the popcorn.


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