Entry #5: Mint

  Hello everyone, how are you guys doing in whatever time zone you are in? I'm back with another blog and today I wanted to discuss mints. Mints always hold a special part in my heart, they are offered, given, and taken by friends and family, and hold memories. There is one that comes to mind when I think of mints. In this blog, I would love it if you participated in a game where you have to guess the mint brand I’m discussing. This particular one is a circular shape very small but very powerful at the same time and is whiter than paper or snow. When I first lay my hands on the packaging it makes the sound of tin or foil being used when opening it. Then when getting it there are multiple and there is a bit of white powder residue surrounding each one. As it lays in my mouth it melts gradually and breaks down into smaller pieces. If I were to bite into it, it would be hard to do but it's yet on the softer side compared to others. It has a very fresh and cool taste, and leaves my taste buds tingling with an overload of those strong flavors. Every time I consume this particular item I get the memory of my two friends who always have them in their backpacks during school hours and offering some to myself and to my other classmates and how it overall forms a community in our class.

Have you guessed it yet? If you think you have, comment down below and tune in for my next blog next week. Remember every Friday.


  1. Hello Tatiana, l really enjoyed your blog description about the mint. Also, unique title. Keep up the great work. Juan Orrantia.


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