Entry #6: Humor influences
Hello everybody, hope you're having a wonderful day and are out there celebrating life. One thing I would like to discuss is comedy specifically where I got mine. I've been told by many that I’m very funny and I believe in myself and hopefully get to know myself better. The first person is Adam Sandler. My favorite Adam Sandler movie is Grown Ups and I remember as a child my dad loved him and always had one of his movies on and I would sit and watch. Another person or people that inspired me is these YouTubers called KNJ which stands for JC and Kian. They are my favorite dynamic duo to watch and hilarious. Their jokes feel so easygoing and seem like they are not trying to be funny and it’s always a blast watching them. One last person who has inspired my comedy palette is my dad. Ever since I was young my dad has been the funniest person I know. In sad or serious situations you can always count on him to brighten the mood and have the whole room into laughter. He has s...