Entry #2: Awkwardly making Tik Toks

As I said in my first blog, "About Me," I make Tik Toks with my friend Adan. I'm normally antisocial and awkward person, hinting my blog title "Quietly Awkward," but once I get comfortable with someone I tend to be more out my shell. Me and Adan first met through my friend Vale in freshman year but weren't as good friends as we are now. We both started making videos in February of this year when noone wanted to do a video with him he then asked me. At that point we started handing out with each other more and had common interests so I said yes to making the video and enjoyed the process of making the video with him. Since then we've done at least one tik tok per week. We don't really get a ton of likes but for us we don't do it for the fame or the possibility of getting famous, we do it because it's fun and it's honestly a stress reliever from school. Making these Tik Toks has becom...